Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jeez, it's been a while!

I just finished watching "Serenity" again and realized I hadn't posted here for over a year!

     Well folks, it's been a difficult year.  Just a little gaming and even less modelling/painting has taken place, I've spent most of my free time console gaming.  More specifically, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas on XBOX 360.  F3 was excellent and F:NV is an awesome follow-up.  The only complaint I have with F:NV is ammo crafting.  Crafting in general is more detailed and you can just about make most of the things you need given the related skill is high enough.  Ammo crafting needs to be a little simpler IMHO.

     I've started the Aubrey/Maturin series again, and am just getting ready to read "The Ionian Mission".   I'm definitely enjoying them more this time around.  The first go round I spent a lot of time referencing "A Sea of Words" and "Harbors and High Seas" just to 'get my bearings'.  Now I'm comfortable with the terminology it's been an easier read.  I'm still a landsman, though.

That's it kids!  See ya inna funny papers (or, more likely on Facebook)!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A small sample of WIPs


Monday, February 8, 2010

Recent Efforts

Howdy kids!  Just taking a break from painting and thought I'd share a little of what I'm working on..

Pardon the crappy photography, I was a little rushed and didn't set the camera and lighting correctly.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Migration Has Begun!

I spent a good part of the day moving things from my old painting room to the new.
I never realized I had soooo much stuff!   I'm not even talking miniatures yet.   Tools, brushes, basing materials, paint, glue of every variety, primer, sealer, containers, the list goes on and on.
The upside of all this is I will now have a decent sized work area to paint, model, and prep multiple projects!   I may even be able to set up a mini "studio" to take pics in.
I'd take some pictures of the WIP, but it just kinda looks like a bomb went off in my basement.   I will, however, post pics when I'm more or less finished.

Monday, December 14, 2009

More Stuffs From YouTube!!!

Because I'm too lazy to post my own stuff!